The sound of a perfected violin is coaxed by the combined sum total of regulated irregularities. Each imperfection needs another imperfection to regulate the mistakes to balance the instrument for great playability.

The exacting recipes gotten from books are mere guides to consult with, and know, in order to get as close to a model violin as possible. There really is no such thing as a perfect violin in terms of absolute measurements and exact dimensions, remember, each violin is hand made … even the ones partly machine made in China or elsewhere.

By going through the instrument’s parts step-by-step we intend to add clarity to the somewise hocus pokus ideas that make it into press. Although potentially difficult to understand, we do aim to explain it as simply as we possibly can. By no mean do we wish to say that we know it all, no. We will merely aim to demystify it as well as we can as we get into it. Bit by bit.

One thought on “Violin Explained

  1. All violins make a sound, even if dropped. A well regulated violin makes the experience of learning to and playing it so much more pleasing. For the listeners as well as the person playing it.

    The solution is not a new violin; a well setup and regulated one is.

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